Garlic Benefits
What are the benefits of eating raw garlic?
Rich source of vitamin B6 which helps in boosting the mood.
Lowers Blood Pressure.
Lower LDL Level (Cholesterol)
Reduced Risk of Heart Disease.
Garlic for Colds and Flu.
Athletic Performance.
Stronger Bones.
Improved Memory.
in reducing fungal infection in the skin.
Garlic benefits for women's:
Garlic is a versatile product that can also be used to improve the
physical health of women.
For example, it is useful in preventing the development of cancer of
the uterus and breast. Many doctors recommend using it during
Garlic contains folic acid and has a beneficial effect on the
development of the fetus (After the eighth week, the baby will be called a fetus until it's
Garlic also kills harmful bacteria that can affect
Garlic can prevent the occurrence of osteoarthritis in women,
especially the femoral. This disease is most common in women older than
fifty years.
"Osteoarthritis is a disease that actively destroys the joints of the knees, as well as the hip."
Best time to Eat Garlic:
The best time to eat garlic is before going to bed or early in the morning, when bacteria in the stomach are most likely to breed. They are not protected by food and are therefore more easily destroyed.
Or You can Take Garlic Clove in between meal. consume one Raw chopped garlic during eating meal.
Benefits of garlic to manhood (Sexual Life):
Garlic is Natural enhancer of Blood circulation as Garlic contains allicin, which improves blood flow.
Garlic contains vitamins and other nutrients in large amounts, which are vital for a healthy cardiovascular system.
Garlic is natural remedy for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation and Increase sperm Count.
Garlic Nutrition:
It is rich in vitamins B and C, manganese, selenium, iron, copper and
potassium. In fact, this little vegetable gives you more than just bad
breath. It also provides you with allicin, which is an oily compound found
in garlic and Controls elevated LDL-cholesterol level, control Slightly Blood Pressure.
"Allicin Properties has been shown to possess antiviral, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic activity."
The Health Benefits of Eating Garlic are:
Improves Digestion
Digestive problems improve with the inclusion of raw garlic in the
diet. It benefits the intestines and reduces inflammation. Eating raw
garlic helps to clear out intestinal worms. The good thing is that it
destroys the bad bacteria and protects the good bacteria in the
Good for Weight Loss
Garlic reduces the expression of genes responsible for the formation of
adipose cells which store fat. It also increases Thermogenesis(the production of heat, especially in a human or animal body) in the body and leads to burning of more fat and lowering of LDL
(bad cholesterol).
Boosts Immunity
Garlic protects against free radicals and prevents damage to the DNA. Zinc in garlic promotes immunity. Vitamin C helps to fight off
infections. It is very beneficial against eye and ear infections as it has antimicrobial properties(i.e. products kill or slow the spread of microorganisms. Microorganisms
include bacteria, viruses, protozoans, and fungi such as mold and mildew-
As antiseptics, antimicrobial products are used to treat or prevent diseases on people, pets, and
other living things).
Wards Off Cough, Cold and Influenza
Garlic is going to provide you relief from that stubborn cold and flu.
Taking 2-3 cloves of raw or cooked garlic a day or sipping some garlic
tea (with a touch of honey or ginger to lift up the taste) is not only
going to relieve a stuffed nose and cure the cold but also build your
immunity against these seasonal Symptoms.
Further More, Eating two crushed garlic cloves on an empty stomach has the
maximum benefit. For kids and babies, hanging garlic cloves in a
thread around their necks is supposed to relieve congestion
Improves Skin Health
Garlic helps prevent acne and lightens acne scars. Cold sores,
psoriasis, rashes, and blisters can all benefit from the application of
garlic juice. It also protects against UV(Ultra Violet) rays and
therefore prevents ageing.
Improves Brain Functioning
Garlic promotes brain health because of its antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory properties. It is effective against neurodegenerative
diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia(Alzheimer's is a type of dementia that affects memory, thinking and behavior).
Garlic reduces infections on wounds, promotes hair growth, bone health
and liver health. Most of the home remedies are effective only if garlic
is consumed raw.